Step Parameters
Hip Robotamus
2004-05-18 08:41:27 UTC
Hi all,

I was just starting to try some walking moves with Hiprobotamus when I noticed that using the same sequence of moves the outcome is different depending on settings in the preferences. So what should all these be set to so that I have the same simulation as during contest runs?

Basic Simulation Step 32
Refresh display each 2
Run Real time NO
robot_step(64); // run one step


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Olivier Michel
2004-05-18 09:18:09 UTC
Post by Hip Robotamus
Hi all,
I was just starting to try some walking moves with Hiprobotamus when I
noticed that using the same sequence of moves the outcome is different
depending on settings in the preferences. So what should all these be
set to so that I have the same simulation as during contest runs?
Basic Simulation Step 32
Refresh display each 2
Run Real time NO
robot_step(64); // run one step
The contest simulation runs use the following:

Basic Simulation Step 32
Refresh display each 2
Run Real time YES

The robot_step() parameter is choosen by your controller, so use
whatever you find appropriate (I'd however recommand a multiple of the
basic simulation step, i.e., 32, like 32, 64, 128, etc.).


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Mike Jost
2004-05-21 02:48:40 UTC
There is a script error occuring on the Roboka main page (Every 5 sec). The
error says the variable "scrollTop" is undefined.
A script debugger showed the code was coming from the file "Main.php". The
code is part of the "chat" area on the main Roboka page.
I have included the code the script debugger showed as causing the problem.
The 6th line is causing the problem "document.write('sali' + scrollTop);"
I am using Windows XP with Internet Explorer 6 with the Microsoft Java

<script type=text/javascript>
function testFunction() {
document.write('sali' + scrollTop);
<body onload="testFunction()" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<font size="1.5" face="Verdana">
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue">
<b>BuBu</b></font><font size="1" face="Verdana">: now I'm going to try the
challenge on this site hehe</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>sMoKA</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: hihihi BuBu</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>hiprobotamus</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: hello all</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Toker</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: helloooow</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>hiprobotamus</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: so when does the comp start</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Emil</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: smoka malin</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Newbie</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: hello bubu</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Barabas</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: Hello bubu</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>BuBu</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: Hello Barabas :-)</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Quick</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: Hello tous :)</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>novice</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: je voudrais des codes java our faire marcher mon
robot svp</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>novice</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: hello</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Newbie</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: novice donne moi ton nom et prénom et je te donne
de codes</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Bob</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: Greetings from Sweden :)</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>eu</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: test</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Bothari</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: The competition starts May 16th, 2004 and runs
until May 2nd, 2005 ?</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Bothari</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: what abotu communcating about when the competition
will really start.. just as a sort of respect about potential competitor
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Maui</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: Helo smoka</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Toker</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: hellooooo</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Toker</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: Emil gentil hahaha</font><br>

Mike Jost (FreeTime)

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Olivier Michel
2004-05-24 09:02:36 UTC
This is correct. It appears in the JavaScript debug window also under
Mozilla/Linux. I tryed to remove this "+ scrollTop", but it broke
everything... Jean-Philippe, could you have a look at it ? Thanks.

Post by Mike Jost
There is a script error occuring on the Roboka main page (Every 5 sec). The
error says the variable "scrollTop" is undefined.
A script debugger showed the code was coming from the file "Main.php". The
code is part of the "chat" area on the main Roboka page.
I have included the code the script debugger showed as causing the problem.
The 6th line is causing the problem "document.write('sali' + scrollTop);"
I am using Windows XP with Internet Explorer 6 with the Microsoft Java
<script type=text/javascript>
function testFunction() {
document.write('sali' + scrollTop);
<body onload="testFunction()" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<font size="1.5" face="Verdana">
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue">
<b>BuBu</b></font><font size="1" face="Verdana">: now I'm going to try the
challenge on this site hehe</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>sMoKA</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: hihihi BuBu</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>hiprobotamus</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: hello all</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Toker</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: helloooow</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>hiprobotamus</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: so when does the comp start</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Emil</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: smoka malin</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Newbie</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: hello bubu</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Barabas</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: Hello bubu</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>BuBu</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: Hello Barabas :-)</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Quick</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: Hello tous :)</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>novice</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: je voudrais des codes java our faire marcher mon
robot svp</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>novice</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: hello</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Newbie</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: novice donne moi ton nom et prénom et je te donne
de codes</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Bob</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: Greetings from Sweden :)</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>eu</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: test</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Bothari</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: The competition starts May 16th, 2004 and runs
until May 2nd, 2005 ?</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Bothari</b></font><font
size="1" face="Verdana">: what abotu communcating about when the competition
will really start.. just as a sort of respect about potential competitor
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="blue"> <b>Maui</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: Helo smoka</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Toker</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: hellooooo</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="red"> <b>Toker</b></font><font size="1"
face="Verdana">: Emil gentil hahaha</font><br>
Mike Jost (FreeTime)
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Jean-Philippe Egger
2004-06-25 12:29:38 UTC

Yesterday I posted my Motion tool project on the roboka web site (http://roboka.org/help/tools.html#motion). This project aims at helping new competitors to get started more easily. A complete description of the project and the tool is available on the site so I won't do the description again :-)... I count on every body to give me some feedback/ Bug report about the application. I hope this will contribute to sharing a few motions between the competitors. Anybody want to share a walking movement ??

Many thanks to Olivier and Xavier for having supported this project. I will stay available for comments/questions so don't hesitate.

Wish you all much fun in the competition

Hip Robotamus
2006-02-14 10:11:56 UTC

Just wondering about the next competition starting on
1st March. Will there be a new version of webots
released on the 1st with with ability to compile and
run Java controller for the Aibo model? or is it
already possible to do this with the lastest version?


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Olivier Michel
2006-02-14 11:11:17 UTC
Yes, we plan to release a new version of Webots with a new world called
"roboka.wbt" for which you will be able to program the Aibo robots in

Post by Hip Robotamus
Just wondering about the next competition starting on
1st March. Will there be a new version of webots
released on the 1st with with ability to compile and
run Java controller for the Aibo model? or is it
already possible to do this with the lastest version?
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